Incentives for Investors
Attractive Incentive Package for Unit Investor
Extended Fiscal Benefits:
- Income tax exemption for 10 years
- Duty free import of raw materials, construction materials, capital machineries, finished goods
- Declared as custom bonded area
- Exemption from dividend tax
- Full repatriation of capital and dividend
- Exemption of VAT on all utility service
- Duty exemption on export
- Exemption of duty for import of vehicles
- 50% exemption of stamp duty and registration fees for registration of leaseholder land/factory space
- Tax exemption on royalties, technical fees etc.
Extended Non-Fiscal Benefits:
- No ceiling of FDI
- 100% backward linkage of raw-materials and accessories to sell for EOI in DTA
- 20% sale of finished product to DTA
- Sub-contracting with DTA allowed
- Allowance of foreign loan
- Resident visa for investment of US $75,000 or more
- Citizenship for investment of US $10,00,000